Compilations on impact-oriented research
What’s the purpose? | The platform ‘td Academy’ presents a knowledge base for systematically building the potential for (societal) effects in transdisciplinary research. The general introduction to the compilation is provided in English and German, more detailed information is available in German. The compilation is organized along four main topics: joint problem definition, participation, knowledge integration, transferability. For each topic, general requirements to be met and corresponding methods are described. |
Who provides the compilation? | The Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany in collaboration with the Center for Technology and Society (TU Berlin) The compilation was developed in a project funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) |
How does it differ from td-net’s compilation? | td Academy has been developed based on an ex-post analysis of 16 transdisciplinary research projects. Its method descriptions illustrate what the method is and which requirements they can support, with a bit lesser focus on the ‘how to do’. Furthermore, td Academy offers an additional interactive feature: each method description disposes of a discussion forum. At the moment, the recommendations and method descriptions are available in German only. Besides these differences, there are many overlaps with td-net toolbox. |