TRAINING (2.4.1)

Dieses Webportal erklärt, wie die Genom-Editierung in der Pflanzenzüchtung funktioniert. Es stellt Genom-editierte Nutzpflanzen aus der Züchtungsforschung vor, die für die Schweiz von Interesse sein könnten und beantwortet häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema.


Award ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Biology 2019


17:25 - 17:50


Campus Irchel


Campus Irchel, University of Zürich

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) has awarded the Prix Schläfli 2019 to the four most important insights gained by young researchers at Swiss universities. Rebekka Wild has been awarded by the Prix Schläfli "Biology" 2019 for her findings on the structure and function of a unit in biological cells that contributes to regulating phosphate concentration.

Rebekka Wild: Prix Schläfli Biologie 2019
Bild: Rossitza Irobalieva

The Award ceremony will take place at the LS2 Annual Meeting 2020 in Zürich.

Rebekka Wild will give a lecture presenting the work for which she has been awarded during the Satellite meeting to the FEBS3+ LS2 Annual Meeting 2020, organized by and for young scientists. This satellite event will be held in the afternoon of February 12th, 2020 (12:30-17:30).

  • Rebekka Wild - Ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2019
  • Rebekka Wild - Ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2019
  • Rebekka Wild - Ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2019
  • Rebekka Wild - Ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2019Bild: Matteo Cogliati (
  • Rebekka Wild - Ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2019Bild: Matteo Cogliati (
  • Rebekka Wild - Ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2019Bild: Matteo Cogliati (


  • Nachwuchsförderung